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How Big Do Black Lab Pitbull Mixes Get

The Pitbull and Lab mix is between an American Pitbull Terrier and the Labrador Retriever. This Lab mix weighs between 50 and 80 pounds and stands between 15 to 28 inches with a smooth but dense coat of various colors and color combinations.

The Lab Pitbull Mix is a special dog although in truth all dogs are great.

You may not have heard of him because he is a hybrid dog. However, you have probably heard of his parent breeds: the Pitbull and the Labrador retriever which are two of the most popular dogs.

Learn more about the mighty American Pitbull Terrier.

The Labrador retriever is a loving and amiable dog while the American Pitbull Terrier is known for his loyalty.

There is a lot to learn about this Labrador mix, so, let us jump right into it.


  • About the Pitbull lab mix at a glance
  • The general appearance and characteristics of the Labrabull
    • How big does the Pitbull Lab mix get?
    • Physical appearance
    • Pitbull Lab mix coat appearance
    • Color variations
  • Bullador Temperament and personality traits
  • Lab Pitbull mix puppies
    • Litter size:
    • How much does a Labrabull cost?
  • Grooming a Bullador
    • Bathing a Pitbull Lab mix
    • Other Pitador grooming requirements
  • Pitador feeding requirements
    • Nutritional needs
  • Pitador exercise requirements
    • Why is exercise important?
    • Walk your dog
    •  Go Stairs climbing with you Lab Pitbull mix
    • Swimming with a pitador
    • games
  • Pitbull Lab mix training requirements
  • Pitador Health Concerns
    • Pitador mix cons and pros
    • Lab Pitbull mix cons and pros
    • Breed summary

About the Pitbull lab mix at a glance

The Pitbull lab mix is a hybrid dog got from combining the genes of a purebred Labrador retriever and purebred American Pitbull Terrier.

They are are also known as;

  • Pitador
  • Labrabull
  • Pitador Retriever
  • Bullador

Crossbreeding two purebred dogs is aimed at getting the best qualities from both the dogs.

This helps get rid of some of the health problems that purebred dogs suffer from. However, a 50-50 split is not always guaranteed even within the same litter.

The Labrabull is a high energy dog that is easy to train and makes a great addition to the family.

It not clear when this hybrid dog first appeared but it may have been a result of an accidental breeding.

Pitbull and lab mix

The general appearance and characteristics of the Labrabull

Pitbull Lab mix summary table
Height 15 to 28 inches
Weight 50 to 80 pounds
Lifespan 10 – 14 years
Breed Type mixes and more
Purpose Companion
Suitable For Experienced dog owners
Grooming requirements May require low to moderate grooming
Color Variations Black, Yellow, Brown, White Markings, White and Tan
Health concerns skin allergies, arthritis, and Joint Dysplasia
Temperament Eager To Please, Trainable, Smart, Loyal, And Energetic
Other Names Pitador, Labrabull, Pitador Retriever, and even a Bullador.

How big does the Pitbull Lab mix get?

Pitbull and Lab mixes are medium to large-sized dogs that have an athletic build. Their height varies from 15 to 28 inches and can weigh anywhere from 50 to 80 pounds depending on the dominant parent.

Males are generally larger than females.

Physical appearance

The Labrabull's head is usually flat and broader than that of a Labrador retriever but is much smaller than that of an American Pitbull Terrier.

Pitbull Lab mix dogs have a longer muzzle and have long floppy and pointed ears like those of Labradors.

The chest of a Labrabull is wide and broad.

Most of them are most likely to have lean stature.

When an American Pitbull Terrie is bred with a Purebred Labrador Retriever you get the first generation litter also known as the F1 generation.

The second generation of Bulladors also known as the F generation is gotten when you breed a Pitbull Lab mix with another Pitbull Lab mix.

Some of the features that you can expect are:

  • A smooth and dense coat.
  • Bullador with a long tail.
  • A broadhead.
  • Long droopy ears.
  • A pair of almond-shaped eyes.
  • An athletic stature.


Pitbull Lab mix coat appearance

Just like the parent breeds, the Bullador has a smooth and short-haired coat with a variation of colors.

The colors range from

  • white
  • black
  • chocolate
  • golden
  • brindle
  • cream

This coat is almost always shiny and short but they can sometimes get double coats like that of a Labrador.

However, this dog sheds moderately throughout the year and blow out his coat twice every year. The shedding means that the dog produces dander that is responsible for dog allergies.

Learn more about shedding in dogs and some remedies that you can use to control the shedding.

Color variations

Black is the most dominant color in Labrador retrievers.

When a litter is influenced by the predominant color of the black lab you will likely have a litter of Black Lab Pitbull puppies.

Most of the Lab Pitbull mix dogs are black in color with distinctive white marks on their faces, tail, at the tips of the paws, and on their chests.

Yellow Lab Pitbull mix

  • Yellow labs influence the Lab Pitbull mixes that turn out golden, tan, or fawn in color.
  • The American kennel club also classifies Labradors with orange hues as yellow Labradors.

Chocolate Lab Pitbull mix

  • The chocolate coat of the Labrador ranges from dark chocolate to medium brown.
  • Its spectrum of rich hues can be passed into the puppies of the Pitbull lab mixes.
  • Brown Labrabulls usually have markings too.

Bullador Temperament and personality traits

When it comes to dealing with crossbreed you can never be sure what to expect from the pooch. You should know that predicting the temperament and personality of each pup is a hard thing to do.

Some puppies may be a perfect blend of both parent breeds while some may of one parent than the other.

One way you can know if a Pitbull lab mix is a perfect fit for you is by spending time with the parent breeds.

Let's look briefly into the personality of the Bullador's parent breeds.

  • The Labrador is a sog that loves everyone and everything. They are energetic playful and have a lot of affection to give away.
  • The Pitbull is also a  playful and energetic dog that is affectionate to the family. Pits do have a protective side that the Labrador Retriever does not have.

The Pitbull Lab mix makes for a wonderful family dog and loves to be around children. However, you should make sure that your kids understand how to deal with dogs.

You should also not leave this dog alone for extended periods. Leaving them alone for long periods can result in some behaviors such as excessive barking and chewing which you surely don't want.

Other popular Lab mixes

  • The Husky and Labrador mix.
  • A distinctive cross between a Labrador and Kelpie.
  • The cross between a Labrador and a Malamute.
  • The German Shepherd Lab mix

Other popular Pitbull mixes

  • The Pitbull Labrador mix is a cross between an American Pitbull Terrier and a Labrador Retriever.
  • Pitbull and Dachshund mix is a mixed breed dog of medium size.
  • Beagle Bull is a Pitbull Beagle Mix that shows off the natural friendliness of beagles combined with the Pitbull's protective nature.

Lab Pitbull mix puppies

You may get a Labrabull that has more Lab qualities than a Pitbull or even vice versa. When the puppy has matured to an adult dog is when you will know and this is when the dog is 18 months old.

Both the Bullador's parents are of almost similar size and it will not matter which parent is the dam or sire.

Litter size:

The average litter size of a Pitbull Lab mix is 7 puppies but the puppies will likely come in litters of 5-10 puppies.

How much does a Labrabull cost?

A Pitbull Lab mix puppy costs between $500 and $1500. You should also put into consideration the cost of owning and taking care of this dog which is around $800 annually on average.

The price of the pup will differ from breeder to breeder, the healthier the puppy is the more expensive he will be.

If you notice any of the issues below you should avoid buying the puppy:

  • Too many hereditary diseases in the puppy's family history.
  • Signs of aggression from either of the mixed parents.
  • No certification was issued by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals for both its parents.

pitbull lab mix puppy

Grooming a Bullador

The Pitador has moderate grooming needs as he sheds moderately throughout the year.

Grooming time is also a great time for you and your puppy to bond.

Brushing his coat 2-3 times per week will be more than enough for him. This is important to remove dead hair in the dog's coat.

It is also important that you invest in a good vacuum that will help keep your home hair-free.

Bathing a Pitbull Lab mix

Bulladors need a bath once every month. This is beneficial for a healthy Pitbull Lab mix as it helps minimize the bacteria in their coat.

However, if you feel that your dog is getting too dirty in between baths use a damp piece of cloth and wipe the Labrabull's coat.

Use a good dog shampoo and conditioner to keep the coat shiny and healthy. Your vet can help you choose the shampoo that is best suited for your dog.

Never use human shampoo while bathing your dog. Use a shampoo that is formulated for dogs. This shampoo should have a neutral pH and should be hypoallergenic.

Other Pitador grooming requirements

Clean the dog's ear regularly, at least once every month.

Dip a cotton bud into an ear cleaning solution after which you will use it to clean the Pitador's ears.

Make sure that you are cleaning the outer area as you do not want to damage the dog's ears. Visit a groomer if you are not comfortable doing it by yourself.

Clipping the nails is also an important part of grooming.

Brush your Lab and Pitbull mix teeth a few times every week to reduce the risk of periodontal diseases.

Pitador feeding requirements

Your Pitbull Lab mix is a large dog that will require a lot of food to keep up with his high energy levels. Feed the dog on a high-quality diet to meet his nutritional requirements.

You will also need to meet the calorie requirements for your Bullador. The average calories per pound for this active dog is 30 calories.

Pit Lab mix Daily Food Consumption
Guide 1500 to 2000 calories
Cups of Kibble 3 to 4

Prepare a feeding schedule for this dog and stick to it.

Puppies will feed more than adult Bulladors as they require more energy for development. Make sure that you divide his meals into intervals of 4 meals in a day.

As the pooch mature and reaches the age of about 6 months reduce the number of meals you give him to 2 or 3 meals a day.

Nutritional needs

A healthy diet will consist mainly of protein as the main ingredient.

It should also contain chondroitin or glucosamine, or both that help prevent help hip dysplasia.

The more protein that is in your dog's diet the healthier he will become.

So, as a puppy, the diet should be made up of about 25% protein and 8% fat. it should also be rich in minerals such as calcium and phosphorous.

The amount of protein and fat that you give to your dog will reduce as he grows to about 20% protein and 5% fat.

Many dog lovers try to avoid foods that have grains when they want to avoid allergies in their dogs.

If your Pitador is allergic to grains you should opt for a grain-free meal. Also, if he has stomach sensitivities get dog food with live probiotics.

Always make sure that you read the food label to make sure that it has the correct amount of fat, proteins, and that it does not have too many carbohydrates.

Fatty acids help in keeping the coat healthy and shiny. Omega-3 fatty acids also promote mobility and a healthy heart.

Some good sources of fatty acids include salmon and flaxseeds.

Remember to always provide clean water to the dog for him to stay hydrated.

Avoids foods that have:

  • Bulking agents such as peas and corn.
  • Chemical additives

Pitador exercise requirements

Bulladors have a moderate to high exercise requirement as they are high energy dogs.

Around one hour of exercise per day will be enough. This applies to adult Labrabulls.

However, for much younger puppies, you should stick to the 5-minutes rule. Meaning that every time your puppy gets a month older add 5 minutes of exercise a day until he reaches maturity.

So, if your puppy is one month old only exercise him for 5 minutes, and when he gets to 2 months of age increase this to 10 minutes.

Why is exercise important?

  • To ease boredom thus preventing destructive behavior.
  • Exercise helps keep the Pitbull Lab Mix brain clear.
  • To strengthen the immune system of the dog.
  • It helps prevent health issues in later years such as cardiovascular diseases.

Failure to provide the dog with the correct amount of exercise will reduce his quality of life lowering his lifespan.

If your dog fails to get enough exercise it is mainly your fault as the dog owner. Dogs are rarely lazy unless they are not enjoying what you do and refuses to do it.

After an exercise gives the dog some time to rest and cuddle.

Bullador puppy

So, what options do you have as far as exercising your dog is concerned:

Walk your dog

Dog walking is the most preferred form of exercise by most dog owners.

Large and active dogs like the Pitbull lab mix should be taken out for long walks two times in a day.

You can choose to walk around the neighborhood if you are a busy owner. Change the route that you use from time to time as this excites the Bullador.

 Go Stairs climbing with you Lab Pitbull mix

You don't need to create a difficult exercise routine for you and your Labrabull.

Climbing up and down with your Pitador can be fun and effective as well.

You will be amazed as to how much you can achieve with the simplest forms of exercise.

Running up and down the stairs is great if you notice that your dog is getting obese.

Swimming with a pitador

Most of the dogs are afraid of water but once they get the hang of it they will fall in love with it.

Swimming is a very enjoyable form of exercise that you can do with you Bullador.

Some toys encourage dogs to swim and if you are a big swimming fan you can search the internet for those.

Find out what motivates your pooch and reward him during exercise to keep him more active.


If you cannot match your dog'sway energy then playing fetch is a great way to keep your Pitador happy and healthy.

Your dog gets the exercise he requires as you sit and relax.

There are challenges that you can dog between you and your dog to further stimulate his mind. Hide and sniff is a perfect example of such a game.

Pitbull Lab mix training requirements

Training your dog can be a  very challenging task even for a person that has experience doing it and it is not for the faint-hearted.

If the dog is not properly trained he can result in some behaviors that you may not be very happy about.

The best way to train your Horgi mix puppy is through positive reinforcement that is mainly reward-based training.

  • Never use negative methods such as punishment when training you Pitador mix as it could turn out to be problematic.
  • Encourage the behavior that you want to see in your dog by praising and rewarding him with treats, toys, or attention and ignore the dog when he behaves in a manner that you don't want.

If your pup does what you want then reward him. But if the training proves to be more difficult then you can use high-value food treats.

Begin with the basics such house training. House training will include toilet training your dog or puppy and others.

Socialize your dog to get rid of those aggressive tendencies by introducing him to the outside world.

This will include other people and even other animals. The more the dog experiences what the world has to offer the more he will learn that it is nothing to be aggressive or wary about.

pitbull lab mix

Pitador Health Concerns

There are always a few health concerns that you have to look out for even if the dog was crossed to outbreed any health issues.

The Labrabull mix is no exception to that as this dog is prone to inheriting some of the health problems from the parent breeds.

Luckily some of these problems can be treated as long as you keep a close eye on your dog.

You can schedule a test with your veterinarian to determine the possibility of any inherited health issues.

There are recommendations and diet requirements that you will require to follow to keep your pooch in a stable healthy state.

Some of the health concerns are;

Hip dysplasia

This is an inherited condition where the bone at the thigh fails to fit the hip joint snugly.

Some dogs will show signs of pain on one or both of the rear legs but others may not show any sign that they are not comfortable.

To diagnose the best thing you can do is to get an x-ray screening. As the dog gets older he may develop arthritis.

Elbow Dysplasia

This condition is very similar to hip dysplasia but it affects the forelimbs of the dog.

Elbow dysplasia is an elbow joint malfunction that occurs at the connection between the ulna and the radius.

Just like hip dysplasia, this condition causes uneven wear and a loose connection at the cartilage that pads this two-move and rotate.

This results in severe arthritis and lameness as the dog ages and can be a really painful condition to your dog.

During the young stages of the dog, examinations should be carried out to determine if your dog has elbow dysplasia.


Dogs commonly suffer from allergies and the Pitbull lab mix is one of them.

The most common forms of allergies are food allergies. You can treat food allergies by stopping your dog from eating certain foods.

Inhalant allergies are also common. They are caused by airborne allergens such as mildew, dust, and even pollen.

There are also contact allergies which are reactions to topical substances such as chemicals, dog shampoos, beddings, and powder to get rid of fleas.


This is a condition that not only affects humans but dogs too.

It is the lead cause of death to dogs that are over the age of 10.

You should monitor your dog for any signs of cancer in the dog.

Retinal atrophy

Progressive Retinal Atrophy(PRA) is an inherited condition.

The degeneration of the retinal nerve cells may cause night blindness, loss of vision in Lab Pitbull mix dogs. This is a common issue in many hybrids and pedigrees.

Pitador mix cons and pros

Lab Pitbull mix cons and pros

pros cons
Bulladors have low to moderate grooming requirements This Lab crossbreed requires a lot of time and space for exercise
are generally healthy They may suffer from some few hereditary problems
Pitadors are considered easy to train Traditionally, Pitbull Mixes don't get on well with other animals
Playful, loyal, and friendly temperament The temperament of the Pitbull and Lab Mix could range from friendly and affectionate to aggressive

Breed summary

Pitbull Lab Mix fits into any family because he is super friendly, sociable, and eager to please.

Pitadors thrive in a busy home, where they can enjoy their daily walks and regular play.

Their smart nature means they pick up commands and tricks quickly meaning they are great training partners for kids.

Being crossed with one of the most popular dogs in the US, these guys may experience the same popularity. However, Pitbulls are restricted in several states so ensure you can legally own one and check the restrictions that apply.

Like any dog, they will push their boundaries, so they are best suited to families who have experience of large dogs.

There you go WOOOOFFF!!!

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